3.4.3 1435134 6 -2 10 154 154 0 20250121 20250119 1234 Tou Hum Fem Neu mobileuser,ascended 3.4.3 1418042 6 -2 10 297 324 0 20241229 20241229 1234 Val Dwa Fem Law Noisytoot,ascended 3.4.3 1405468 6 -2 10 225 237 0 20250119 20250118 1234 Bar Hum Mal Neu mobileuser,ascended 3.4.3 1367186 6 -2 10 155 155 0 20250122 20250121 1234 Kni Hum Mal Law mobileuser,ascended 3.4.3 1164498 6 -2 10 220 220 0 20250103 20250103 1234 Val Dwa Fem Cha Demo,ascended 3.4.3 1136084 6 -2 10 142 150 0 20250123 20250122 1234 Rog Orc Mal Law mobileuser,ascended 3.4.3 581177 6 -2 10 -25 156 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Arc Hum Mal Law Loggers,killed by Famine (with the Amulet) 3.4.3 61712 0 6 6 2 147 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Hea Gno Fem Neu Loggers,killed by brainlessness 3.4.3 26139 3 4 4 -1 144 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Tou Hum Fem Neu Loggers,killed by a fall onto poison spikes 3.4.3 13304 3 4 4 0 105 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Arc Hum Mal Law Loggers,killed by the Minion of Huhetotl 3.4.3 4905 0 3 4 -1 91 1 20241227 20241227 1234 Val Dwa Fem Law Demo,killed by a fall onto poison spikes 3.4.3 1843 0 1 1 32 71 0 20250104 20250104 1234 Tou Hum Fem Neu Loggers,quit 3.4.3 1468 2 3 3 -1 52 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Val Dwa Fem Law Loggers,killed by an Uruk-hai, while praying 3.4.3 132 0 3 3 -3 18 1 20241227 20241227 1234 Arc Dwa Fem Law test,killed by a black unicorn 3.4.3 115 0 1 1 22 22 0 20241227 20241227 1234 Mon Hum Mal Cha test,quit 3.4.3 98 0 2 2 -1 27 1 20241227 20241227 1234 Cav Hum Mal Law test,killed by a newt, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3.4.3 92 0 1 1 0 10 1 20250104 20250104 1234 Tou Hum Mal Neu Loggers,killed by a jackal 3.4.3 56 0 1 1 23 23 0 20241227 20241227 1234 Hea Hum Mal Neu test,quit 3.4.3 32 0 1 1 18 21 0 20241227 20241227 1234 Tou Hum Fem Neu test,quit