# This is an example nethackrc file for Brevishack. You should edit # this file to meet your play style needs. # Available editors: rnano, virus, or ee via the terminal # Examples of common defaults: #OPTIONS=windowtype:tty OPTIONS=windowtype:curses OPTIONS=showexp,showscore,time,color,!autopickup OPTIONS=autodig,fruit:slime mold,boulder:0 OPTIONS=hitpointbar,menu_glyphs,showbuc,showborn OPTIONS=hilite_hidden_stairs,hilite_pet,hilite_obj_piles OPTIONS=paranoid_hit,paranoid_quit,paranoid_remove,paranoid_self_cast OPTIONS=!classic_status OPTIONS=perm_invent # Use dark gray to represent black OPTIONS=use_darkgray # Draw unlit room squares OPTIONS=lit_corridor # Curses interface is available on this server. Some common settings: ## Curses interface (be sure to disable windowtype:tty) # OPTIONS=windowtype:curses OPTIONS=align_status:bottom OPTIONS=align_message:top OPTIONS=windowborders:3 OPTIONS=petattr:I # Set terminal window for same dimensions OPTIONS=term_cols:124 OPTIONS=term_rows:32 # For more information on what you can set in your nethackrc file, refer to: # https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options # Happy hacking! OPTIONS=menucolors MENUCOLOR=" blessed "=green MENUCOLOR="holy water"=green MENUCOLOR=" cursed "=red MENUCOLOR="unholy water"=red MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(being worn\)"=orange&underline OPTIONS=statuscolors # HP STATUSCOLOR=hp%100=cyan&normal,hp%99=green&normal STATUSCOLOR=hp%66=yellow&normal,hp%50=orange&normal STATUSCOLOR=hp%33=red&bold,hp%15=red&inverse # Pw STATUSCOLOR=pw%100=cyan&normal,pw%99=green&normal STATUSCOLOR=pw%66=yellow&normal,pw%50=orange&normal,pw%33=red&bold # Carry STATUSCOLOR=burdened:yellow,stressed:orange,strained:red&bold STATUSCOLOR=overtaxed:red&inverse,overloaded:red&inverse&blink # Hunger STATUSCOLOR=satiated:yellow,hungry:orange,weak:red&bold STATUSCOLOR=fainting:red&inverse,fainted:red&inverse&blink # Mental STATUSCOLOR=hallu:yellow,conf:orange,stun:red&bold # Health STATUSCOLOR=ill:red&inverse,foodpois:red&inverse,slime:red&inverse,stone:red&inverse # Other STATUSCOLOR=blind:cyan OPTIONS=msgtype_regex # delayed instadeaths MSGTYPE=stop "The .* (grabs|swings itself around) you!" MSGTYPE=stop "You don't feel very well\." MSGTYPE=stop "You are turning a little green\." MSGTYPE=stop "Your limbs are getting oozy\." MSGTYPE=stop "Your skin begins to peel away\." MSGTYPE=stop "You are turning into a green slime\." MSGTYPE=stop "You are slowing down\." MSGTYPE=stop "Your limbs are stiffening\." MSGTYPE=stop "It constricts your throat!" MSGTYPE=stop "You find it hard to breathe\." MSGTYPE=stop "You're gasping for air\." MSGTYPE=stop "Your blood is having trouble reaching your brain\." MSGTYPE=stop "You can no longer breathe\." MSGTYPE=stop "You're turning blue\." MSGTYPE=stop "Your consciousness is fading\." MSGTYPE=stop "You feel deathly sick\." MSGTYPE=stop "You feel (much|even) worse\." # lycanthropy MSGTYPE=stop "You feel feverish\." # very fast speed timeout MSGTYPE=stop "You feel yourself slowing down( a bit)?\." # quest portal MSGTYPE=stop ".*telepathic message.*" # wand wresting MSGTYPE=stop "You wrest one last charge from the worn-out wand\."