Loggers, lawful male human Archeologist | | ----------- ---.--------------- |..........| ......|.....)....| |.......=..........|.....(....| |.).^..........%...| |...[...|......(...| ----.--------------- |%|..|^.....S&| |.|..-.`.%..M@| |.|-.|%.......|S +.-..|--------- |.|..| ------ [Loggers the Excavator] St:25 Dx:10 Co:9 In:16 Wi:17 Ch:11 Lawful S:13323 Home 1 $:197 HP:0(105) Pw:76(76) AC:-12 Xp:14/3111 Your inventory Weapons a - a +5 bullwhip (alternate weapon; not wielded) Armor t - a blessed +3 gray dragon scale mail (being worn) u - a blessed +5 helm of telepathy (being worn) z - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak H - an uncursed +3 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn) Comestibles d - 8 uncursed food rations h - an uncursed pancake G - an uncursed grapefruit Q - an uncursed cockatrice corpse Scrolls I - a blessed scroll of remove curse J - an uncursed scroll of charging Potions D - an uncursed potion of booze E - an uncursed potion of water N - an uncursed potion of see invisible O - an uncursed potion of speed P - a blessed potion of hallucination Wands r - a wand of wishing (1:0) x - a wand of striking (0:4) y - a wand of digging (0:5) F - a wand of secret door detection (0:11) M - a wand of light (0:12) Tools f - a tinning kit (0:61) k - an uncursed tooled horn o - an uncursed sack p - a +5 pick-axe (weapon in hand) q - an uncursed brass lantern (lit) A - an uncursed towel W - a +0 unicorn horn Gems g - an uncursed touchstone w - an uncursed luckstone Contents of the sack: an uncursed scroll of punishment a cursed scroll of genocide a blessed scroll of charging an uncursed scroll of light an uncursed potion of fruit juice a cursed potion of healing an uncursed potion of see invisible Final attributes You were devoutly aligned Your alignment was 14 You were poison resistant You were magic-protected You were telepathic You had automatic searching You were stealthy You were fast You were lucky (3) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a quantum mechanic a flaming sphere a gargoyle 2 human mummies a pit viper a python a cobra a carnivorous ape an ettin zombie a chameleon a giant beetle 4 quivering blobs a cockatrice 4 wolves a scorpion a jaguar a black unicorn 3 snakes an ape a rock piercer a pony 2 gnome lords 2 dwarves a centipede a monkey an iguana 3 killer bees 2 hobbits a cave spider 3 gnomes 2 garter snakes 2 geckos 4 jackals a goblin a grid bug a bat a lichen 58 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used 4 wishes You did not wish for any artifacts You never engraved Elbereth Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills pick-axe [Basic] sling [Basic] whip [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages You kill the pit viper! You see here an uncursed pick-axe (weapon in hand)lamp. P - a blessed potion of hallucination. You see here an uncursed oil lamp. You hit the snake! The snake bites! (2x) You kill the snake! You hear rumbling in the distance. The snake misses. You hit the snake! You kill the snake! You activated a magic portal! You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes. Suddenly, the killer bee disappears out of sight. The human mummy hits! (2x) The giant beetle bites! You hit the giant beetle! You hit the human mummy! The human mummy hits! (2x) You hit the human mummy! The human mummy hits! (2x) The giant beetle misses. You destroy the human mummy! You hit the giant beetle! The giant beetle bites! You kill the giant beetle! You hit the ettin zombie! (2x) You destroy the ettin zombie! You see here an uncursed ettin corpse. The gnome lord misses. You kill the gnome lord! d - 2 uncursed food rations. You hit the cockatrice! (2x) You kill the cockatrice! You see here an uncursed cockatrice corpse. Q - an uncursed cockatrice corpse. You see here an uncursed gnome lord corpse. You see here an uncursed ettin corpse. You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol. You activated a magic portal! You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes. The familiar presence of the Orb of Detection is in the ether. Q - an uncursed cockatrice corpse (weapon in hand). You see here an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping. You see here an uncursed melon. The door opens. You hear rumbling in the distance. The door opens. You have an eerie feeling... The snake misses. The snake bites! With great effort you move the boulder. The snake bites! You find a sleeping gas trap. The snake bites! You find a rolling boulder trap. The snake misses. The snake bites! You begin bashing monsters with your cockatrice corpse. You hit the Minion of Huhetotl with the cockatrice corpse. The human mummy just misses! The human mummy misses. The Minion of Huhetotl picks up the blessed tooled hornThe Orb of Detection (0:5). The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x) The Minion of Huhetotl casts a spell at you! You feel momentarily weakened. The Minion of Huhetotl hits! You hit the Minion of Huhetotl with the cockatrice corpse. p - a +5 pick-axe (weapon in hand). The human mummy hits! The human mummy misses. The snake bites! The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x) The Minion of Huhetotl points all around, then curses. The Minion of Huhetotl hits! You hit the Minion of Huhetotl! The human mummy hits! (2x) The snake misses. The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x) The Minion of Huhetotl casts a spell at you! A field of force surrounds you! The Minion of Huhetotl hits! "If you are the best Lord Carnarvon can send, I have nothing to fear." The snake misses. You begin praying to Quetzalcoatl. You are surrounded by a shimmering light. The human mummy starts to attack you, but pulls back. The snake starts to attack you, but pulls back. The Minion of Huhetotl starts to attack you, but pulls back. The human mummy starts to attack you, but pulls back. The snake starts to attack you, but pulls back. The Minion of Huhetotl starts to attack you, but pulls back. The human mummy starts to attack you, but pulls back. The snake starts to attack you, but pulls back. The Minion of Huhetotl starts to attack you, but pulls back. You finish your prayer. You feel that Quetzalcoatl is well-pleased. You feel in good health again. The Minion of Huhetotl hits! You die... Goodbye Loggers the Archeologist... You died in The Quest on dungeon level 1 with 13304 points, and 197 pieces of gold, after 1036 moves. Killer: the Minion of Huhetotl You were level 14 with a maximum of 105 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] 1 1418042 Noisytoot-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 297 [324] 2 1164498 Demo-Val-Dwa-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 220 [220] 3 61712 Loggers-Hea-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom. Killed by brainlessness. 2 [147] * 5 13304 Loggers-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Quest on level 4. Killed by the Minion of Huhetotl. - [105]